
Join Us

Become a member of the Brechin Railway Preservation Society. Download the application form, complete and send to the address on the form together with your subscription. Please allow up to a month to process as collections from the station are not made every day at this time, these are collected once a month after the 21st day of each month. A quicker way is to join us online, click on link below or email the completed form and make payment by internet banking.

Membership of the B.R.P.S. entitles the holder to:

  • Three free journeys per year, on normal services on the Caledonian Railway on production of a valid Membership card. This concession does not apply on any Special/Evening Event services.
  • You will also receive our Newsletter “Caley Lines”.
  • The Society also organises an annual Christmas party, which has proved very popular.


Membership class Age band Subscriptions
Adult 18 to 59 years £18.00
Senior 60 years & over £14.00
Junior to 17years £6.00
Family 2 adult & up to 3 junior £30.00


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