The Society

The B.R.P.S. was formed in February 1979 by local railway enthusiasts, when the Kinnaber Jcn. - Brechin line was still in use by B.R. for freight traffic. It was felt that the four mile section between Brechin and Bridge of Dun had all the makings of a Classic preserved railway, which, after thirteen years of hard work, proved to be true. The first locomotive arrived in June 1979, building up over the years to no less than five steam locos, ten diesels, fifteen coaches and over sixty wagons. The members of the Society are drawn from all walks of life, tradesmen, public service workers, professionals, ex-BR. employees and privatised railway employees, and, lastly if not least, retired members of society. Indeed the major part of the coach restoration gang are, senior citizens. All working on a voluntary basis for the good of the Caledonian Railway. Being a member does not mean that you have to come down and get your hands dirty, you can support us from home. Most Preservation Societies have only around 10% of their membership involved in running their railway, for ourselves at Brechin we have about 15% [roughly 30 volunteers] involved.

Membership of the B.R.P.S. entitles the holder to:

  • Three free journeys per year, on normal services on the Caledonian Railway on production of a valid Membership document. This concession does not apply on any Special Event services.
  • Discount on some Special Event services.
  • You will also receive our Newsletter “Caley Lines” by email.
  • The Society also organises an annual Christmas party, which has proved very popular..

During the past few years the Society’s funds have been used to:

  • Re-roof the main store building at Brechin.
  • Restore the Society’s BSK coach.
  • Paint and restore the 1951 Scammell Scarab.
  • Buy engine parts for “Dewar Highlander”
  • Generally maintain Bridge of Dun station.
  • Raise funds for the new station building at Bridge of Dun.
  • Replace the frontage/door to the Society's garage/workshop.

The Caledonian Railway is an entirely volunteer run, award winning heritage railway that operates historic steam and diesel hauled trains along the 4 mile branch line between the town of Brechin and the countryside stop of Bridge of Dun. All funds generated through our open days are reinvested into the restoration and preservation of the railway. By travelling with us, you are supporting the railway and helping to ensure that this important pirce of local history is saved for future generations to enjoy.



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